Battle of Stoney Creek
This Past Saturday July 6th, The Drums Crown Forces visited Stoney Creek for the re-enactment of The Battle of Stoney Creek. The Drums had the opportunity to take part in two battles and also had the pleaseure of performing two demonstrations.

In preperation for our trip across the pond to Waterloo next week, our drummers took the opportunity to work on company drumming, including firing beatings and other commands with the rest of the Crown Forces Regiments.

Lastly, The Drums had the pleasure of meeting their newest and youngest member of The Drums Family, Landon Ford. Congratulations to Drums Campfollower Cindy Ford and her Husband Jason on giving life to this cute little guy! Drum Major Ross Flowers is already pushing to get this handsome little devil into a green uniform, and getting a pair of drumsticks in his hands.

Next stop for the Drums, Brussels! The Drums will be performing at the Duchess of Richmond's Ball before appearing at the Bicentential of The Battle of Waterloo, leading the entire British Army into battle against Napoleon and his Imperial Guard! BRING IT ON BONEY!